Frequently Asked Questions
HOA Fees
Q: How much is the HOA Fee?
A: $250 Annually
Q: When are the fees due?
A: January 1st.
Q: How do I pay the fees?
A: Please send a check to the HOA Treasurer. The check should be payable to: Forest Meadows HOA.
Q: What do the fees cover?
A: The majority of the fees cover maintenance and insurance of our Common Areas. A full breakdown is available from the HOA Treasurer.
Common Areas
Q: What are the Common Areas?
A: Forest Meadows has several Common Areas. The Monument on 194th, the roundabouts on 5th and 6th Avenue, the walking path on 6th Avenue, and the front of the retention pond on 5th Avenue are all our responsibility to maintain.
Other Questions
Q: Where do I get the password for the HOA Bylaws?
A: Please fill out this Access Request Form.